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Queensland Term Abroad

Lady Elliot Island

Lady Elliot II — 29 September

Lady Elliot offers a variety of ways to explore the reef and its wildlife. For the adventurous (and certified), diving was the way to go. Weather permitting, the resort's exceptional dive staff offered two dives daily, and the occasional night dive. For students without SCUBA certification, the opportunity for a crash course, followed by two shallow dives with a dive master was also available. The rest donned fins and snorkel and explored from the surface. Regardless of one's vantage point, there was lots to see. On our first day in the water we saw three species of sea turtle, sharks, rays, a plethora of fish, corals and an endless variety of other marine invertebrates. The sea turtles, which were just returning to Lady Elliot for breeding, were a particular favorite. At breakfast, we were treated to whales breaching off the cay's western shore. Another very special place!

SCUBA preparation

Tom kits up

SCUBA preparation

So does Annmarien


Tom's underwater (bit of an air hog)


Fish at cleaning station

Big fish

This is a LARGE (1.5 m) cod



Large platy coral

Large (2 m diameter) platy coral

Sea Turtle

Eretmochelys imbricata, the Hawksbill Turtle

Fungid coral

Fungid coral



Students sunning

Not everyone was working