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Queensland Term Abroad

New Zealand

Rotorua to Tongariro National Park

This day we traveled from Rotorua to Tongariro Natinal Park. Along the way we made a couple of stops. We visited Kuirau Park in downtown Rotorua. There have been several eruptions there in the past few years. We also stopped at the Wairaki geothermal bore field. Here, geothermal steam is harnessed for electrical power generation. Finally, we stopped by a field of large rhyolite boulders beside Lake Taupo. The current hypothesis is that these boulders FLOATED here. They're quite light as rocks go, and if they were hot enough at ejection from the volcano, it's possible.....(?)

 Five people view eruption crater

Mud wrestling!

 Phreatic eruption crater in downtown Rotorua

This crater erupted two weeks before we visited.

 Geothermal bore field

Steam captured for electricity generation

 Students observing boulders

It looks like a rock to me

 Students in boulder field


 Student leaning on boulder

Finally, someone takes our advice and really observes the rhyolite.

 Students in front of boulder field

"It's fun to stay at the YMCA..."

 View across Lake Taupo

View SW across Lake Taupo

 Mt Ruapehu near sunset

Mt Ruapehu near sunset