Queensland Term Abroad
Brisbane & Day Trips
Pictures are arranged chronologically. You can use the "next pics" and "prev pics" links at the top of each page to move sequentially from page to page, or you can go straight to individual pages using the handy index. Feel free to email if you have questions: d.kendrick@uq.edu.au or nca@uq.edu.au . Thanks for looking.
Click on the date beside each picture below to go to the page or pages for that day.
Finals and Party
7 November
Night Out! We finished classes and final exams; it was time for a celebration. What a great evening. Lots of fun, pictures, and pre-break excitement.
Rugby World Cup
Rugby The Rugby World Cup's been big news here the last couple of months. A number of our number have become quite interested. See what it's like.
Brisbane City
All Term
Cityscapes Brisbane is our home away from home for most of the term. It's a modern city with lots to offer. Here are just a few images to give you a glimpse of the city.
UQ Campus
All Term
UQ Campus We've lots of pictures from our various field trips, but we spend just as much time in class and in the library at the University of Queensland's St. Lucia campus. Campus is located in a bit horseshoe bend of the Brisbane River, a couple of kilometers from the city center.
Lone Pine Sanctuary
10 October
Koalas Everywhere Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is dedicated to the preservation of Australian Wildlife through education about the needs of our unique Australian animals. According to Lone Pine, "the best way to learn is to get close to Aussie Wildlife" and get close we did.
Click here to visit the Lone Pine website.
Brisbane Forest Park
5 September
Brisbane Forest Park Dr. Mike Pole, our Terrestrial Ecologist, took us to Mt Coot-tha Lookout and Brisbane Forest Park to begin our exposure to Australia's unique flora and fauna. After a short hike through some of the native vegetation and some Aboriginal rock art, we visited the animal park there. The park features a variety of stunning birds, as well as Platypus (though the Platypus must have been asleep, because it didn't make an appearance) and several kinds of wallabies. You know, it turns out that the wombat is quite a comical creature.