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Queensland Term Abroad

Rugby World Cup

Our visit to Brisbane was timed perfectly to coincide with the International Rugby Union World Cup tournament (note there's a big difference between Rugby Union and Rugby League, but please don't ask me for the finer points of distinction). One of the major venues for tournament play was Brisbane's brand new SunCorp Stadium. Many students took advantage of reasonably-priced tickets for the early round matches and took in a game. The photos below are from the United States' rather embarrassing outing against Scotland. Although we were few, we cheered the USA with all our hearts! Sadly, Team USA didnŐt advance beyond pool play. As of this writing (12 Nov. 2003), the New Zealand "All Blacks" and Australian "Wallabies" (along with England and France) have advanced to the semi-final round. We'll all be watching the final while on the road in New Zealand. If the All Blacks make it to the final, it will be quite a party!

Suncorp Stadium external

Suncorp stadium in downtown Brisbane

Sports team on field

Team USA

Crowds in stands

Attendance was good

Homemade sign:'Haggis eat Eagles for breakfast

We were up against Scotland

View down playing field

Team USA getting creamed

Students dressed in patriotic garb

We've got spirit