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Queensland Term Abroad

New Zealand

Rotorua and Geothermal Fields

Visits to Wai-o-tapu and Waimangu thermal fields,

 Bubbling mudpots

Hot mud bubbles

 Geyser erupting

Lady Knox geyser at Waiotapu

 Steaming geothermal hot pool

Champagne pool at Wai-O-Tapu

 Four women on boardwalk crossing geothermal pools

You know what? This place stinks. (But in a good way.)

 Sign prohibiting stone throwing


 Student observing Champagne pool

Wait. You mean this isn't really champagne? .... No time.

 Students observing steaming hot pool

This pool is sick.

 Silica sinter terrace with hot pool

Silica sinter and geothermal waters

 Students working on field books

These field books are driving me crazy.

 View up Waimangu Valley

I just like this picture.

 Students sitting and writing

Hey Max, stop copying.

 Tableau of five people

Nice, Morgan