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Queensland Term Abroad

Saddler Springs

Saddler Springs IV

The next day we headed out for demonstrations of cattle drafting, riding, and homesteading.

Cattle drafting is a uniquely Australian sport requiring physical skill, cooperation between horse and rider, and an experienced eye with cattle. Carolyn is a champion cattle drafter and she showed us a few licks. Pared down to its essentials, cattle drafting involves selecting an individual beast from the herd, driving it out of the herd, around a series of poles, then through another set representing a gate. There is a time limit. Sounds simple, but it's extremely difficult and requires experience and skill. To me, it's appealing because it emphasizes skills that the participants use every day.

We were also treated to a calf-ride by Donal Hancock. Calves can tire quickly, but they pack a lot of energy. Donal's ride garnered a big round of applause. We then hiked down the track to a nearby homestead cabin. The cabin was built around 1900 and was occupied until about 1980. Lloyd's been working to restore the cabin to its original state. The land here is not fertile by North American or European standards, so homesteaders became resourceful or left. Virtually everything in this cabin was made by hand and constructed with simple materials.

Cattle Drafting

Cattle drafting requires great skill (credit: J. Starnes)

Directing cattle

Horse and rider must work together (credit: J. Mooney)

Lloyd readies the chute

Lloyd readies the chute (credit: J. Starnes)

Donal rides the calf

Donal rides (credit: J. Starnes)

Homestead cabin

Homestead cabin built about 1906 - of bark and sweat (credit: J. Starnes)

Lloyd and Eadie

Lloyd and Eadie (credit: J. Starnes)

Looking in the window

Nan and David at the window (credit: J. Mooney)


Home is where the hearth is (credit: J.Starnes)

Students on the porch

Shade is precious (credit: J.Mooney)


The horses are curious (credit: J.Mooney)