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Queensland Term Abroad


Brisbane City

Brisbane is Queensland's capital and largest city, and, with a population of about 1.6 million, is the third largest city in Australia. The region was first settled by Europeans in 1824 as a convict encampment for Sydney's more recalcitrant inmates. Free Europeans arrived in 1842 and began to develop an agricultural and commercial center along the Brisbane River. When Queensland separated from New South Wales in 1859, Brisbane had about 6,000 white residents and had grown wealthy from the agricultural and mining products that flowed from the region. Brisbane's Aboriginal residents didn't fare as well. Those that survived European contact were removed from their traditional lands and placed in colonies. Although tragic, this was story replayed over and over throughout Australia in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Today, Brisbane sports a lively cultural scene with several active theatre companies, music, dance, art and a variety of museums to fit nearly every taste. It also boasts the new Sun Corp Stadium, which hosts major sporting events and a lively restaurant and club scene. Brisbane is also famous for its scenic parks, many of which line the Brisbane River. In addition to its own charms, Brisbane is the jumping-off point for adventures along the Sunshine Coast to the north and Gold Coast to the south, as well as Queensland's crown jewel, the Great Barrier Reef.

Brisbane Cityscape

Central Business District

Four people on Ferry

Riding the City Cat

Vintage Ferry Terminal

Vintage (but still in use) Ferry Terminal

Iron Bridge

Kangaroo Point bridge

Cliff wall along river

Rock wall and pedestrian trail along Brisbane River

View down river toward pedestrian bridge

Goodwill pedestrian bridge links to arts complex

Sculptured swimming pool with cityscape

Southbank's pool mimics a tropical lagoon

Nighttime cityscape

Lights of Brisbane