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Queensland Term Abroad

Final Party

Following our last day of exams, the Center for Marine Studies-our hosts here in Australia-treated us to a traditional Aussie barbi (barbecue), complete with vegetarian options, at a popular Toowong watering hole. As you peruse the pictures below, you'll note the morning's tense faces turn to smiles as the day progressed into evening. We and our terrestrial ecology professor, Mike Pole, put together slide shows of the trip, which brought back wonderful memories and more than a little nostalgia. Not to worry, though, the trip isn't over. The best (New Zealand) is yet to come!

Students in class

Last day

Students reviewing notes

Last minute cramming

Students at tables, person giving two thumbs up

Joe's ready

Homemade sign:'Well-dressed women sitting at table

Digging in at the R(oyal) E(xchange)

Four people sitting


People at round table, posing for camera

Good spirits here

Two students smiling for camera

Good spirits here, too (also birthday girl)