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Queensland Term Abroad

Lamington National Park

Lamington IV — 14 October: Castle Crag

On the afternoon of our second day at Lamington, the more intrepid of our group set off to conquer Castle Crag, a long, narrow ridge between two deeply incised stream valleys. The trip out and back was about 8 km...on top of the 10 km we had hiked that morning. No matter. We are a hardy bunch. The trail, when there was one, took us over boulders and across stone rubble. However, the prize was worth effort: Sunset over the Great Escarpment. Tramping back to the guest house for supper, night fell in the forest. Again, it was unlike any rainforest I've experienced. Instead of a chorus of insects and frogs, dusk feel still and silent, except for the rustle of the evening's first nocturnal mammals.

People posing under a hollow tree

The Wishing Tree

Person squatting under hollow tree

No caption is worthy

View over steep valley

Typical topography

People posing at vista

Picture stop at overlook

Group Photo

Castle Crag Crew

Two sitting on a rock

Max and Adam

Students climbing down steep track

The track gets steeper

Steep trail

And steeper (note figures below)

View from Castle Crag

The payoff

View from Castle Crag

Erosion away from the caldera

Two people sitting

Life is good