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Queensland Term Abroad

Lady Elliot Island

Lady Elliot IX — 3 October

Finally, a few last looks at Lady Elliot. We had some time for a morning snorkel on the day of our departure. Then, it was back aboard three small aircraft for the short flight to Hervey Bay (some planes saw whales and dugongs playing below), then the bus ride back to Brisbane.

Coral rubble beach with resort

Coral rubble beach, resort in background

School of fish

Schooling fish on the reef

Coral rubble

Coarse rubble on the southwest corner of LEI

Fish and algal garden

Damselfish guards its garden

Students boarding plane

All too soon, it's time to leave

Nan in copilot seat

Nan's our copilot

Sarah and Carla on plane

Sarah and Carla

Lady Elliot Island from the plane

Goodbye Lady Elliot

Plane interior

Christy and I

Hervey Bay and Frasier Island

Frasier Island on left horizon and Hervey Bay

Bus interior

Back on the bus for our return to Brisbane