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Queensland Term Abroad

North Stradbroke Island

Sand and Mud Tidal Flats - September 07

Students on the flats

Students on the flats

Joe with Clear-View

Joe strides across the flats

Phyllodoce novaehollandiae attack a soldier crab

Phyllodoce novaehollandiae attack a soldier crab

Tutor Mel on the flats

Tutor Mel seeks sea squirts

Nan and Mel look for sponges

Nan and Mel look for Iotrochata coccinea

Nina on the flats

Nina throws up her hands in wonder

Comatulid crinoid

Amazing! A comatulid in 20 cm of water

Comatulid with commensals

Aboral view of crinoid with commensal ophiuroid and galatheid

Students on the flats

Crossing the shallows

Students on the flats

Collection discussion

Students on the flats

Showing off their catch

Heading home

Heading back to the station