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Queensland Term Abroad

North Stradbroke Island

Ferry and Lookout Point - September 06

Moreton Bay from the ferry dock

Moreton Bay from the ferry dock

Vehicle Ferry

Our ferry

Crossing on the ferry

On deck during the crossing

The gorge at Point Lookout

The gorge at Point Lookout

Linda, Claire and Christy

Linda, Claire, Christy and the south Pacific Ocean


Brooke's in good spirits

James, Lael, Dave and Adam

James, Lael, Dave and Adam on the ignimbrite. But can they spell it?


Lauren takes it all in

Casey and James

Casey and James. This shot makes me smile.

Joe and Lael

Joe and Lael

Alyssa and Sarah

Alyssa and Sarah

Alyssa decides what to shoot.

It's all so beautiful; what should I photograph?

Linda with Casuarina backdrop

Linda with Casuarina backdrop