Queensland Term Abroad
New Zealand
Australia / New Zealand Term Abroad 2003
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That concludes the HWS/U 2003 Australia / New Zealand Term Abroad. We had a great time. Australia is wonderfully beautiful, but it was really the people who made it a great time. Many, many thanks to Ian, Belinda, Mike, Jenny, Shaun, Jeff, Mel, and Ang. Also to Lloyd and Jackie, Simon, Charles, Katie, and Carolyn. Please forgive me if I've left anyone out! In the end, however, it's the students who make or break the program, and we were extremely lucky to have a fantastic group of people whose curiosity, intelligence, and good nature made it all work. Heartfelt thanks to you all. I had an ill time.
And... there is one more web page to look over, if you're interested.... Click on the next pics to see.