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Queensland Term Abroad

New Zealand

Tongariro Crossing Part III

Yet more images from the most famous day hike in New Zealand, the Tongariro Crossing.

 View down valley to northeast

View to northeast on descent from Red Crater.

 Emerald Lakes

Another angle on Emerald Lakes. Trail moves off in upper left.

 View across central crater

View across central crater. North Crater in left background.

 Multi-colored crater flank, steam venting

View back to Red Crater. Note steam venting from crater flank.

 Crystal clear aquamarine lake.

Emerald lake with valley behind.

 Students in distance on downsloping ridge

Continuing down the trail from Red Crater to Emerald Lakes. Distances are deceptive here. It's a lot farther than it looks.

 Students ridges near lakes

Closer to lakes.

 Students in front of lakes

Our group.

 Lakes with Red Crater behind

View to south over lakes, Red Crater in background. Lighter areas on cone reflect presence of gas vents.

 Lake in bottom of steep-sided blast cone

Steep sides of this blast cone are evident.

 Hikers moving across flat, bouldered terrain

Moving out across the central crater. The snow patch here is the same snow patch seen in this picture above.

 View across Central Crater to North Crater.

View across Central Crater to North Crater. This crater is filled to the brim with a crystallized lava lake.

 Snowbank in shadow of lava flow.

Snow remains in the shadow of this lava flow.

 View across flat crater with Red Crater cone in distance

View south across central crater back toward Red Crater's cone. The trail we followed is plainly visible on the left. Note people on trail for scale. Where the trail crosses a snowbank is where the photograph immediately above was taken.

 View across central crater with Red Crater and massive lava flow in distance.

Another view across to Red Crater cone in distance. The extent of the flow is very clear here. The photograph was taken well above the main crater floor, from a vantage point near Blue Lake. Hit your browser's back button to return to this page.