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Queensland Term Abroad

Lamington National Park

Lamington National Park I — 13 October

Our last field trip in Australia was to Lamington National Park in southeastern Queensland. The park includes 20,500 hectares (one hectare is 10,000 square meters or about 2.5 acres) of rugged landscape in the McPherson Range, which forms part of the border between the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales. What drew us to Lamington was its undisturbed Australian "rain forest". I'll be honest, though, after working in the South American Andes for a number of years, these forests--though beautiful--didn't look like the rain forests I know. Like many things, the Australian version is unique. We stayed at the O'Reilly's guest house, a resort at the edge of Lamington. (More on the O'Reilly's later.) Although the park frowns on it, O'Reilly's maintains a feeding station where the local Crimson Rosellas (Platycercus elegans) and King parrots (Alisterus scapularis) flock for handouts from guests. Ever eager to interact with wildlife, our group dove right in.

Students waiting for bus

Max and Alyssa

Students waiting for bus

Waiting by the pool

Waiting for the bus

Linda, Christy, and Claire


What are you looking at?

Students boarding bus

The bus is here (finally).

Students on bus

Almost ready

Vista from O'Reilly's

Vista at O'Reilly's

Parrots on student

She literally has them eating out of her hand

Crimson Rosella

They look cool, but one nearly bit my ear off

Students with bird

We make friends easily in Australia

Satin Bower Bird

Satin Bower Bird