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Queensland Term Abroad

Saddler Springs

Saddler Springs II

The next morning, after campfires and stargazing the night before, we boarded the 4-wheelers and then the bus to take us to a series of sandstone formations. We visited two of these outcrops — "The Tombs" and "Marlong Arch" — that stand out above the surrounding countryside and witness an ancient series of sediment-choked rivers. These outcrops were powerful and important spiritual sites in the lives of the original aboriginal inhabitants. Sadly, they are also mute reminders that the aboriginal cultures in this area are completely gone.

Lloyd used this backdrop to teach us, in a respectful way, how the aboriginal peoples viewed the transition from carefree childhood to adulthood and the responsibilities, to others and to the land, that it entailed.

Here we viewed some of the most spectacular stencil artwork found.

Walking to The Tombs

Crossing to The Tombs

Outcrop face

Sandstone Outcrop face

Becky taking notes


Hole left by ancient tree

Mold of a fossil log

Hand stencils

Hand stencils

Lloyd introduces the artwork

Lloyd introduces the artwork

Boomerang stencil

Boomerang stencil

Stop many kangaroos

This may mean "Stop many kangaroos". Those are kangaroo feet, by the way.

Full body outline

Adult outline


Hand stencil


Arm stencil