Red-tailed Tropic Bird

Post Card From Oz

14 October 1998

From our Queensland, Australia Trip
17 July to 27 November 1998

Class: Aves
Family: Phaethontidae
Species: Phaethon rubricauda
"Red-tailed Tropic Bird"
LADY ELLIOT is a breeding ground for the endangered red-tailed tropic bird. Females usually produce a clutch of one egg (rarely two) which are incubated by both parents for about 40 days. Young are fed with fish from their parents' bills for a period of two to three months. In recent years, only a few pairs have nested on LEI.

White-capped Noddy.
Class: Aves
Family: Laridae
Species: Anous minutus
"White-capped Noddy"
"Black Noddy"
THE WHITE-CAPPED NODDY is one of the world's most numerous species as anyone who has visited Lady Elliot can attest. They nest in a platform of leaves on a branch of a Pisonia, Pandanus, or Casuarina tree. A clutch usually consists of a single egg. Their diet consists of anchovies, hardyheads, squid, and krill and the they may hunt in flocks containing up to 3000 birds.

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