Red Kangaroo

Post Card From Oz

10 October 1998

From our Queensland, Australia Trip
17 July to 27 November 1998

THE RED KANGAROO, Macropus rufus, is the only kangaroo truly characteristic of the arid zone covering much of Australia. Its sophisticated reproductive startegy matches its environment. Pregnancy lasts only 33 days and young weigh about two grams at birth. Though half the pouch yound die, it is better to tolerate frequent pregnancies with early losses and quick replacement of young than to invest in an extended pregnancy which may prove fatal to both mother and child in its arid habitat.

Males have a mean adult weight of 66 kg with a body length of 115 cm and a tail of about 90 cm. Females are smaller weighing 27 kg with a body length of 100 cm and a tail of about 82 cm.

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