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Hobart & Wm Smith / Union

2008 New Zealand Excursion

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New Zealand Trip

Our trip to New Zealand finishes of the semester; the trip is primarily designed as part of the geology course; however, we will also examine some aspects of the unique biological and cultural heritage of the islands. Unlike our time in Queensland, we will travel continuously in New Zealand, with no home base.

Do take a moment to check out the recent New Zealand Earthquake and Volcanic activities updates on the left. Each update is an RSS feed -- click on it for more information from the New Zealand Geological and Nuclear Sciences Agency. Come back often - new earthquakes occur daily, if not more frequently.

We will be updating the site as we have more material to share. If there's something not yet on line, feel free to email and ask.

Details, Details

Baggage Storage in Auckland

Luggage space on our coaches is tight; you'll be limited to one (smallish) piece of luggage, your sleeping bag, and your day pack (which you may be carrying in your lap). You'll need to store the rest of your gear in the airport baggage storage facility in Auckland. (Look up baggage storage under the International Terminal.) The going rate is $15NZ per bag per day; we are working on a discount, but for now, budget for the full cost.