Queensland Term Abroad
Lady Elliot Island
Lady Elliot VIII 2 October
All work and no play makes students grumpy. During our last evening at Lady Elliot, we joined in the "retirement" party for one of the resort staff members. Great fun was had by all. Do remember that all of our students are of legal drinking age here in Australia (18 years), and everyone was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (well, sort of) the next morning.
Projects completed, we retired for some fun
Max plays riverboat shark
Sarah's intent on the bid
Two of the beautiful people
My friends, here are good spirits incarnate
Ian and Morgan, up close
Casey and Dave kick back
Lotsa teeth!
A flower among thorns
Brooke, Morgan, and Annmarie
Ian and our great tutor Mel
Amy, Sarah, and Carla