
Post Card From Oz

13 October 1998

From our Queensland, Australia Trip
17 July to 27 November 1998

Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Species: Linckia laevigata

SEA STARS. Among the most conspicuous invertebrates on the reef are the echinoderms (from the Greek for "spiny skin") such as the starfish (or sea stars) and the sea urchins. The most prominent of the starfish (asteroidea) are the bright blue Linckia laevigata which are quite common in the reef flat.

Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Species: Culcita novaguineae
"Pincushion Star"

THE PINCUSHION STAR is a common inhabitant of shallow patch, barrier, and fringing reefs. This individual was found in the inner reef flat at Lady Elliot. reef flat.

Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Species: Nardoa novacaledoniae
Somewhat less common, though by no means rare, are the mustard-yellow to brown starfish Nardoa novacaledoniae which are also found in the reef flat.

Other small sea stars are also present. Similar diversity occurs in almost all animal forms on the reef, from corals to urchins to fish.

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