
Post Card From Oz

8 October 1998

From our Queensland, Australia Trip
17 July to 27 November 1998

THE GALAH, Cacatua roseicapilla, is a member of the parrot family. This small grey and pink cockatoo has a range that includes most of Australia, except Tasmania. They grow to about 36 cm in length. They commonly nest in hollows of eucalypt trees. Their call is a loud screech. If you want to refer to someone as being a bit silly, then you might call them a 'galah.'

Magpie. THE MAGPIE, Gymnorhina tibicen, is another bird whose range includes most of Australia. It is one of several handsome pied birds in Australia. (The others include currawongs, buttcherbirds and magpie larks.) They are large, from 34 to 44 cm in length. Their call is loud flute-like warbling (it almost sounds electronic to me). Though they can be very tame in settled areas, they can be quite aggressive when nesting to the point of occassionally inflicting damage on humans. Schoolchildren are routinely warned to be cautious of them during nesting season.

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