Queensland Term Abroad
Monday, December 1
White Island OR Geothermal Areas & Overview of Rotorua city built in collapse caldera
1) White Island Tour (offshore, leave from Whakatane - 1 hr 30 min drive from Rotorua) Ph: +64 7 308-9588, Freephone 0800 733 529. Booked for morning sailing, leave Whakatane at 8:00. We must leave Rotorua by 6:15 AM
1) Thermal Area: Wai-o-tapu: (07) 366-6333 (fax) 366-6010. www.geyserland.co.nz email:waiotapu-thermal@clear.net.nz
2) Thermal area: Waimangu: (07) 366-6137 (fax) 366-6607, www.waimangu.co.nz (hr. 08:30 to 17:00), valley walk: 2-3 hr; PO box 6141, Rotorua
3) Managing geothermal resources in Rotorua. Geothermal hazards in an expanding urban environment. 2001 Kuirau Park Steam and rock explosion.
Rain options: 1) Rotorua Museum - 1886 eruption; 2) Wai-o-tapu (ok in rain) or Waimangu (ok in rain) or Buried Village (very good in rain) www.buriedvillage.co.nz email: discover@buriedvillage.co.nz (07) 362-8287 Tarawera RD, RD 5, Rotorua.
Accommodation: Holden's Bay Holiday Park, Rotorua: +64, 7-345-9925; NZ: 0800-888-876; Email: Holdens Bay Holiday Park