WMST 100-02. Introduction to Women's Studies. Fall 2016.
Professor Lara Blanchard
tel: x3893
Art & Architecture Department, 208 Houghton House

Response papers: gender-related events.

You will be required to attend and write responses to at least three (3) gender-related “events (speakers, films, performances, actions, readings, etc.) before the end of the term. Any Fisher Center lecture will count. Attendance at student-sponsored gender-related events such as Women’s Collective meetings or the Take Back the Night Rally will count. I will announce other gender-related events as I become aware of them (in class, on Canvas, and at http://people.hws.edu/blanchard/WMST100/events16.html), and you should do the same. Be sure to check in advance that an event is pertinent to WMST100 before you choose to write about it.

Response papers should be 300–600 words in length. They are due within one week after the event, and should include:

  1. your expectations before you attended the event;
  2. a description of the event, detailing key insights or moments or quotations; and
  3. a critical reflection in which you share your own response/reaction and make general or specific connections back to course readings/discussions.

Please consult the Format for Written Work on your syllabus before writing and submitting.