Spring Semester 2025 Schedule for T.J. Allen

My office is Eaton 108.
Office hours are Tuesday 10:30--11:45 and Friday 2:00--4:00 and also by appointment.
         Monday         Tuesday       Wednesday      Thursday       Friday  
8:30                    Research                     Research       Lecture
                            |                            |            Prep
                            |      	   	         |		         
9:00    Lecture             |         Lecture            |          Room 316
	  Prep              |	        Prep             |           on Zoom 
                            V                            |
10:50   Physics 150      Office       Physics 150        |          Physics 150
         Eaton 111        Hour         Eaton 111         V           Eaton 111

12:00    Lunch           Lunch         Lunch          Lunch        Faculty Lunch 
1:30     Research       Research      Independent     Research          
                            |           Study             |               
             |              |              |              |                     
             |              |              |              |         Office Hours
2:00    Department          |              |              |               |
         Meeting            |              V              |               |
2:30         |              |          Research           |               |
             V              |              |              |               |
3:00     Research           |              |              |               |      
             |              |              |              V               V       
4:00         |              |              |         Independent              
             |              |              |           Study               
5:00         V              V              V                            