Comparative Limnology & Hydrogeochemistry
of Owasco Lake/Watershed
Bi-Monthly Nutrient Loading Survey 2006 & 2007
- Initiated in 2006
Up to Eleven
Lake Sites, collecting:
- SeaBird CTD Cast - Conductivity, Temperature, Light Transmission vs.
- Horizontal & Vertical Plankton Tows & Abundance Enumerations
- Secchi Disk Depth
- Surface & Bottom (few meters above lake floor) Water Samples analyzed
- Total Coliform and E. coli bacteria (only in 2005)
- Total Phosphates
- Dissolved Nutrients (Phosphates, Nitrates, & Silica)
- DO, pH, Conductivity (Specific Conductance)
- Chlorophyll a
- Total Suspended Solids
- Major Ions (Cl, SO4, Na, K, Ca, Mg by IC)
& Alkalinity (by titration)
- Up to Seven Tributary Sites, collecting:
- Stream Discharge
- Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity
- Grab Sample analyzed for:
- Total Phosphate
- Dissolved Nutrients (Phosphates, Nitrates, & Silica)
- Total Suspended Solids
- Major Ions (Cl, SO4, Na, K, Ca, Mg by IC)
& Alkalinity (by titration)
Lake Sites & Water Depths: (Larger
Sites: (Larger View)
2006 Data:
2007 Data:
2008 & 2009 Data:
2010 Data & Reports:
2011 Data & Reports:
2012 Data & Reports:
2013 Data & Reports:
2014 Data & Reports:
Bedrock, Land Use and
Other Maps