2017 Finger Lakes Surface Water Limnological Data
Secchi Depths (m), proportional to water clarity
Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), proportional to water turbidity
Chlorophyll-a (ug/L), proportional to algal biomass
Total Phosphorus (ug/L, P), usual limiting nutrient for algal growth in Finger Lakes
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (ug/L, P), form of phophorus that is available for algal uptake
Nitrate (mg/L, N), occasinally limiting nutrient in Finger Lakes (Honeoye, occasionally Keuka)
Soluble Reactive Silica (ug/L), nutrient for diatom carapace (shell)
Blue lines are annual mean bottom water data
Green data points are annual mean surface water
Box is 50% of data, line is median value, whiskers max and minimum values in a given year