Bar Graphs and Histograms in Excel-2007

Table of Contents

  1. Creating a bar graph with one independent variable
  2. Creating a bar graph with two independent variables
  3. Adjusting bar spacing
  4. Introduction to histograms
  5. Using the FREQUENCY function
  6. Creating a histogram


Bar graphs are created in much the same way scatter plots and line graphs are. Histograms are a specialized type of bar graph used to summarize groups of data.

Creating a bar graph with one independent variable

Enter the data below into Excel like before in the scatter plots tutorial:

Note that the independent variable (X-axis) is placed in the first column while the dependent variable (Y-axis) is placed in the second column. The headers at the top of each column are not necessary, but they do help identify the variables.

Highlighted the data, and creat a Column Chart.
Choose Insert>Column Chart, using the top-lefthand 2-D Clustered Column chart).

A basic Column Chart should appear. See below:

The Horizontal-Axis should have the different mammals, and the Vertical-Axis should have the mammal count data.

The next step adds titles to the Horizontal and Vertical Axes.

Select the Chart, then Chart Tools>Layouts Menu:

Your final graph should look something like the one above. Note that when the graph is selected, your independent and dependent variables are highlighted in purple and blue boxes, respectively.

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Creating a bar graph with two independent variables

A multiple bar graph depicting data using two independent variables is created in the same way as a simple bar graph:

Some things to note when creating this multiple bar graph:

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Adjusting bar spacing

The relative widths of bars to the gap between the bars can be adjusted by clicking on one of the bars, then choose Layout>Format Selection

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Introduction to Histograms

In some investigations, you may find yourself collecting a large number of data points for a single level of an independent variable. That is, you take the same measurement over and over again. You would do this because a lack of perfect precision in your measuring process would not let you get a good estimate of the true value with only a single measurement. In this example, the fracture stress of a certain type of glass bar is measured 24 times:

Clearly, the measured stress is not the same for each sample. In fact, the measurements range from a low of 55 to a high of 169. How can you summarize the results of these measurements? One way might be to simply calculate the average (mean) of all these measurements. This would not, however, give you a good feel for how the data is distributed. A distribution graph, or histogram, allows you to see how many measurements fall within set ranges, or bins, of the dependent variable. A histogram is usually depicted as a bar chart, with one bar representing the count of how many measurements fall with a single bin.

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Histograms - using the FREQUENCY function

To start with, it is usually a good idea to scan your data and get a feel for its overall range. For the data above, the range is from 55 to 169. Next you will want to decide how fine you want the increment of your bins. The finer the increment, the more bins, and thus the more bars on your chart. For this example we will choose a bin increment of 15 starting with 70. Depending on what you want to depict, you may want to show an empty bin above and/or below the extreme values of your samples to show the viewer that you are at the extremes of your data set. Type in these bin increments in a column next to your raw data. To speed your typing of the bin limits, enter the first two values (70 and 95), highlight them, and then, with the left mouse button held down, drag the lower right cursor downwards until 195 is reached, and release the mouse button.

Though you can manually count the number of measurements that fall within each of these bins, an easier way is to use the Excel function FREQUENCY. This function is a bit more complex than functions such as MEAN. The FREQUENCY function is an array function, returning values to a range of cells. Look at the figure below and follow the steps to enter this function:

What has not been done yet is to copy the array function down to the other Frequency Count cells. This is a bit different that typical cell copying:

The frequency values should now fill the cells next to the bin increments. Note that your first bin increment, 70, holds all the measurements at 70 and below. The next bin, 95, holds measurements from 71-95, and so on. The result should look like this:

If only the top cell is filled with a frequency value, then you probably either didn't highlight the range of cells next to the bin increments, or you didn't use the special key combination to enter the function. Note that in the next figure, the last bin value, 195, was changed to More to indicate in the graph that it represents the count for everything above 170.

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Creating a Histogram

You can now create a bar graph as you did above using the histogram summary data rather than the raw data:

Note again that this histogram is made from the summary data (highlighted in purple and blue boxes), not the raw data. Optionally you can leave the More category from the graph.

Just as you can with other data, you can create a multiple bar histogram. You can either do this as was shown above or by superimposing two histograms.


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