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Virtual spaces

     individual buildings

the 'Amiriya in Rada - the restoration of a 16th century madrasa in the Yemen with especially nice use of clickable plans linked to images
the layers of Rome from classical through Renaissance - this is an advertisement for a commercially available cd.

Amiens, France, Notre Dame Cathedral - this is the public website of a project at Columbia to create virtual representations of buildings.  This is very beautiful and very complex - it rewards time spent.

Paris, France, Notre Dame Cathedral - The Media Center for Art History at Columbia tries another building - this time it promises an ongoing collaborative development with students who will visit in the summer.

The Carthusian monastery at Parkminster , England has an amazing site which runs on the metaphor of a manuscript (thanks to a correspondent for pointing it out to me).

A tour of a British mosque created by/for an elementary school in England (they also have a synagogue and 3 churches).

virtual cities

the virtual city of Ani , a ruined city in Turkey.  The gateway page is a clickable map.

a link page to maps of Rome.

virtual tours

virtual Hajj - useful, but not very immersive!  Someone could certainly sponsor a better one of these!  The site is hosted at Princeton, but I'm not at all sure by whom.

Oxford - a variety of virtual tours of Oxford, England.

the gateway page - the individual tours are handled very differently from one another and are worth comparing

the virtual Magdalen Walk

the Oxford Parks virtual walk

the Linacre College tour
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Web animations - something that cheers me up on rainy days. - a short animation (video capture, I think) with a surprise ending.

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