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Online Image Review via the VRC

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ART 229-01
 -- Women & Art in the Middle Ages --

Spring, 2004

Dr. Michael Tinkler

Houghton House #103;  3489

T-Th 3:05-4:30

Office Hours:  W, 1:00-4:00


This course will range broadly in chronology and approach to consider women and art in the middle ages in three ways:
     Woman as art maker
     Woman as art buyer
     Woman as art subject
These three relationships between the two subjects of the course are active throughout the middle ages.  We will study the changes in the relationships.  To support our understanding of medieval society we will use two histories -- a modern secondary history of the period, Anderson & Zinsser, and a collection of primary sources, Amt.  A variety of xeroxed materials will fill in gaps and strengthen particular emphases.  Audio and literary resources, in the examples of Hildegard von Bingen and Christine de Pizan, will help us consider media other than the visual arts.

attendance and participation  -- 10%
2 sets of essays, 8-10 pages each -- 50%

You will be given a choice of topics, which will require you to synthesize class materials, text and reserve readings, and your own ideas.  The first essay set will be revisable, after an appointment with me.

6 quizzes    -- 30%

these quizzes will be brief slide quizzes, on Fridays

final exam

reserve reading
slide review – online image reviews via the VRC (within the HWS firewall only)

Because there is no art text for this course you must study the slides regularly.  I will put slides on reserve after each class.  Reserve readings will be essential.

Attendance Policy
     Attendance:  of course if you don't attend you won't do very well.  Visual material will often seem very different in color and in large scale on the wall from its appearance in black and white in a small paperback book, so if you don't see both, your work will suffer.
     For each class you miss you will write a three-page double-spaced typed discussion of 2 of the slides from that class day in response to the readings.  Failure to produce this work within 1 week of the absence will reduce your participation grade by 2 points.

Required Resources
Anderson, Bonnie S., and Judith P. Zinsser.  A History of Their Own : Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present.
Amt, Emilie. 
Women's Lives in Medieval Europe : A Sourcebook
Gold, Penny Schine. 
Lady and the Virgin; Image, Attitude, and Experience in Twelfth-Century France
Christine de Pizan, Jeffrey Richards, trans.
The Book of the City of Ladies

If you have never taken art history before
You need to learn how to look seriously at pictures and you need to learn how to study them.  Come and talk to me at our earliest mutual convenience -- the quizzes start on Friday the 14th.


Online Image Reviews via the VRC

(within the HWS firewall only)

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