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ART 102-01
 -- Introduction to Art: Renaissance to Modern--

Spring, 2001
Dr. Michael Tinkler
Houghton House #103;  3489
MWF -- 11:15 - 12:10 p.m., Coxe 8
Office Hours:  M&W, 10 - 11:00 a.m.
Course description
    This course offers a chronological study of principal monuments and developments in painting, sculpture, and architecture from the 14th century to the present in the West.  Students will work to acquire the skills of visual analysis of art objects in different media.

 You will write 2 short papers and take 2 tests and a final examination.  The first paper will be about a sculpture or a painting.  The second paper will be about a building.

Grading Distribution
    tests, 15% each            30%
    2 papers, 20% each      40%
    final                             20%
    participation                10%

    total                            100%

required:  Gardner's Art Through the Ages, vol. 2, 11th ed.
 Pierce, From Abacus to Zeus

Attendance Policy
     Attendance:  of course if you don't attend you won't do very well.  Visual material will often seem very different in color and in large scale on the wall from its appearance in black and white in a small paperback book, so if you don't see both, your work will suffer.

 You may miss 2 classes without penalty.  After that, each missed class will remove 2 points from your participation grade.

Slide Review
     There will be slide carousels available for your review on the second floor of Houghton House during the regular hours of the Visual Resources Center, 9-5, Monday through Friday.  These slides will be a selection from those shown in class, usually to illustrate something not fully developed in the book.  Your test materials, while reflecting the carousels, will not be exclusively from the review carousels.

How to study for tests from Professor Tinkler.
    These are standing instructions for tests.

Important Dates
    February 9, Friday - Paper 1
    February 23, Friday - Test 1
    March 23, Friday - Paper 2  -- paper assignments for sculpture and painting are relevant
    April 6, Friday - Test 2
    May 7, Monday, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. -- FINAL EXAMINATION
        Please inform your parents of the date of the Final Examination NOW.
        Examinations will NOT be given in advance to fit your travel schedule.

Two very important points about paper assignments:
     First, note that you will be making an appointment to see me shortly before the paper is due so that I can review your rough draft.  This rough draft will be a substantially complete and typed document reflecting your work on the assignment.  Notes will not be accepted in the place of a draft and will cause the automatic loss of half a letter grade on the assignment.
     Second, note that one of your papers is due the Friday after Spring Break - that is not because I want to ruin your break, but so that you can write about something outside of Geneva.

Weekly Schedule
The week of: Topic:   Reading:
January 22          14th C. Italy              Chapter 19
Jan 29                15th C. outside Italy   Chapter 20
February 5         15th C. Italy               Chapter 21
Feb 12               the High Renaissance  Chapter 22
       PAPER 1 - MONDAY, FEB 12
Feb 19              continued   TEST 1 -- FRIDAY, FEB 23
Feb 26              16th C. outside Italy     Chapter 23
March 5            the Baroque                Chapter 24
March 12 -- SPRING BREAK
March 19          the Baroque, continued PAPER 2 - FRIDAY, MARCH 23
March 26         18th & early 19th C.     Chapter 28
April 2              the late 19th C.            Chapter 29
       TEST 2 -- FRIDAY, APRIL 6
April 9             continued
April 16           early 20th C.               Chapter 33
April 23           continued                    Chapter 34
April 30           late 20th C.

Final Exam, Monday, May 7, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

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